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- Felicia Mires
Would You, Could You Page 3
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Page 3
He joined Julianne at the net.
"Swing," she said. "Like you're going to smash one at me."
Bryce took a swing.
"There's your problem."
"You've got lots of power, but you're losing momentum because your arm dips."
"It dips."
"Yeah, you know. It's not level."
When he just stared at her, she put her hand on her hip. "It's like this. What's the shortest distance between here..." She pointed at the net. "...and the bench over there? A straight line. Right? Well...you aren't swinging straight. You lose speed and control."
He nodded. She was probably right. He wasn't really thinking about his swing.
"Well? Try it again." She demanded.
Bryce held out his arm and took a slow, even practice swing. He did it again then swung full force.
Julianne clapped. "Much better." Her head came up, and she looked behind him. "We've got to go now. The next set is here."
He followed her to the bench and grabbed his water. She waved at him.
"Bye, Mr. White. It was fun. Thanks for the game."
"Wait! What about my rematch? You don't know I learned my lesson unless we try it in a game."
She tilted her head, eyeing him with narrowed eyes. "Are you sure? I mean...there are lots of older people who would play with you. Especially ladies," she said under her breath.
"What's that?"
"I said I think you would enjoy playing some older ladies."
Bryce shook his head, attempting to keep a straight face. "No. It has to be you. You know my weaknesses. Besides, I can't go home and tell everyone that a twelve-year old beat me at tennis. You owe me a rematch."
She grinned, nodding. "Awright. Tomorrow. Same time."
She ran off before he had a chance to say anything else. He laughed to himself, enjoying her youthful exuberance as she bounded away from the courts with her ponytail bobbing behind her head. If only he had half that energy.
"Mr. White!"
He turned to find Lisa heading his way. His heart rate increased. Once again, she looked sensational in a straight tight skirt. Aqua, he thought, or turquoise, with a yellow blouse and some very spiky turquoise heels. The woman had some nice legs.
He grabbed his bag then met her outside the courts. After he tossed his gear on the bleachers, he took her hand.
"You called me Bob after I kissed you yesterday. Should I kiss you here to refresh your memory?"
She tugged at her hand, shaking her head.
He liked how she'd pulled her hair back. A chignon. Very becoming. It exposed her slender neck. Easier to kiss. He kept a tight hold of her hand.
"Call me Bob, and I'll let go."
He dropped her hand. "Couldn't you have hesitated just a little? I wasn't ready to let go."
"There are people watching. I am on the clock, you know."
"So you want to hold my hand?"
She blushed all the way up to her pretty little forehead. "Where is Julianne?"
"You just missed her. She creamed me. Every game."
Lisa chuckled. "I tried to warn you."
"Yeah, well, after she gave me lessons, she agreed to a rematch tomorrow."
"You don't have to-"
"I don't have to kiss you every time I see you either...well, maybe I do." He leaned forward.
She backed with incredible speed, and he laughed. "I wouldn't. Not with a crowd. It's not nearly as satisfying. But, later..."
"I have to go." She turned and began to climb the steps.
"How about lunch? You do break for lunch, don't you?"
She paused to glance over her shoulder. "It's early today...eleven."
"I'll meet you on the deck."
She nodded then wandered away.
Bryce reached for his bag and ambled across the grass. Instead of returning to his room, he'd mosey over to the shooting range to further his role as a vacationing guest. Perhaps that would help him with his game, too. Keeping a level arm was important in many endeavors. If he could just keep a level head whenever Lisa was around.
* *
Lisa didn't know how she concentrated during the next two hours. She kept seeing Bob's face and hearing his voice. I wasn't ready to let go.
She wasn't ready to let him, either, but there had been multiple guests watching, not to mention her employees. Oh, how she had wanted to kiss him! Every time she saw him, she wanted to kiss him. Obviously, he felt the same. She would have to keep their meetings together very public or she would lose her head over him. He was witty and kind. Julianne really liked him, too, or she wouldn't have agreed to another tennis match. Mr. White was certainly due some further exploration.
She walked out on the deck to see if he'd arrived, ducking her head to peer under the brightly colored umbrellas at each table.
"Right behind you."
His warm breath on the back of her neck sent shivers down her spine.
His arm came around her. "Are you cold?"
She shook her head and approached the closest table. He pulled out her chair then took a seat. He'd changed clothes. A good thing. He'd looked pretty incredible in tennis shorts and a polo. He had a nice frame, just enough torso, just enough leg. Tanned muscular legs, as if he spent a good deal of time outside. Maybe he just used a tanning booth. Somehow, she didn't think so. He looked to be the hands-on type of guy. Real sun. Real tan. And really cute. Particularly when he'd taken off his shirt to put on another at the tennis courts.
"Are you finished?" he asked.
"With what?"
"Whatever it is that you're deciding about me. With that concentrated expression and furrowed brow of yours, I'll be devastated if I wasn't the topic of your thoughts."
She picked up her menu. The man was entirely too observant, almost as if he read her thoughts.
His light chuckle brought her eyes up over the menu. He was watching her with a slightly sardonic grin. If she'd thought him attractive when he'd been solemn, what would she do with that grin? Positively lethal!
"You need to behave," she said.
"What if I don't want to?"
"There are rules for civilized behavior."
"What if I'm tired of being civilized?"
"Ok, ok. But you'll kiss me later?"
She laid the menu down and stared at him. She'd never met a man this forward. Usually, she didn't care for it, but he was...fun!
The smile left his face as he reached across the table to touch her fingertips. "Lisa."
"You'll kiss me later."
She nodded then picked up her menu. She felt his eyes on her for a second then noted when he picked up his menu.
Julianne came bounding up to the table several seconds later. "Sorry, I'm late."
Bob stood and pulled out her chair, and Lisa watched as her daughter smiled up at the man, completely relaxed. She still wasn't sure how she felt about that. What if he was a pervert? She just didn't get that vibe, and neither did Julianne. They'd discussed it. A rather lengthy conversation about Julianne never going anywhere alone with the man and staying in full view of other guests if she wanted to continue playing tennis.
Bob patted Julianne on the shoulder. "Just in time. What do you usually have? And don't tell me you're going to have another cheeseburger."
"Nope! I get a salad for lunch."
"Every day?"
"Every day. I don't like to feel weighed down while I play."
"You're playing more tennis?"
Julianne laughed at the expression on his face. "No. I already had my lesson for the day, and I practiced with you. I'm going swimming, and I like to dive."
"Ah ha. Your mother told me about that high dive. Go right ahead."
"You should try it. The first time I went up, I nearly came right back down. I probably would have if there weren't so many other people waiting behind me."
"No thanks. I'm more the lazy river
"You and mom. We've got that, too." She looked at her mother. "You should totally go after you get off. You never get to go."
"Sounds great to me," added Bob with a smile all for Lisa.
She was really beginning to love that smile.
"Ok, why not? I'll meet you in the lobby at five-fifteen."
He nodded with a rather triumphant gleam to his eyes. He held up both hands. "I promise. No kissing in public."
"Ok, gross," said Julianne. "Need to know. And I don't...ever." She glanced over her mother's head. "Hey, John. I'll have the chef salad and a glass of water."
"Me, too," said Lisa.
Bryce glanced from one to the other then rolled his eyes. "Me, too, but I want tea."
"Sure thing," said the waiter, scooping up the menus. "I don't know why you guys get menus. You always order the same thing."
Julianne nodded her head with a sage expression. "It's for Mr. White. He's new."
"Ok, Mr. White. We'll get you fixed up in no time."
John smiled at everyone then retreated.
Lisa spread her hands out on the table. "So...tell me about the game this morning."
"Match, Mom. We played two matches. Mr. White lost every game, but he did get a little better the second round."
"After her expert tutelage," said Bob.
"Thanks. You really are in good shape, though. I expected you to be gasping for air, but you kept up."
"Only on the outside. On the inside, I was begging for it to be over."
Lisa laughed at Bob's hangdog expression. He had a way of engaging Julianne that set her at ease. But he also encouraged her.
Julianne had always held strong views, but since the crash she'd kept most of her opinions to herself or shared them with her mother.
With Bob, she was different. He gave Julianne the confidence to express herself.
"But enough about me," he said. "I want to know what you do during the school year. What are your best subjects?"
"School! Ugh! Talk about boring! I did not come out here to talk about school."
"Humor me." He crossed his arms over his chest and waited for Julianne to answer.
Lisa watched this byplay with interest. How would Julianne respond to a man who acted very much like a concerned father?
Her daughter sighed. "I do fine at school. I love sports, but tennis is my favorite. Math is ok, and I like to read, but I despise science...totally useless."
"Why is it useless?"
"All they do is go on and on about how evolved we are. It's lame."
"We aren't evolved?"
Julianne gaped at him. "Of course not. I don't know about you, but no one is going to convince me that I evolved from some inanimate cosmic goo. I was created by an intelligent being with an intelligent design. It just makes sense. Don't you think so?"
Perhaps it was time for Lisa to step in. The second day of an acquaintance might not be a good time for a theological debate. But Bob didn't appear put out.
He nodded. "I do. So, you don't believe in evolution and you like to read. What's your favorite author? Please tell me it's not Suzanne Collins or Stephanie Meyer."
"I am totally not into teenage gladiators or vampires...not that Mom would let me read it anyway."
"It's nice that you respect your mom. Who do you read?"
"Liz Kessler. She writes about mermaids...and it's a little juvenile, but I like Hank, the Cowdog, especially the audio read by the author. Hysterical! We used to listen to them when we went on road trips with my dad and little brother."
Her voice trailed off, and she looked up at Lisa apologetically.
Lisa smiled, reaching for her daughter's hand. "They were very funny. I think my favorite character is Pete the Barncat. I just love the way he says Hanky."
Julianne laughed. "Yeah, totally funny."
"I see I've been missing out," said Bob. "My road trips usually involve switching from one radio station to another to avoid commercials."
John reached around to put the food on the table then gave Bob a conspiratorial grin. "Anything else I can get you, folks?"
They all shook their heads and thanked him.
After he walked away, Lisa peered over at Bob's plate. "What was that all about?"
"I'm not telling," he said as he picked up a mini-cheeseburger and took a huge bite.
Lisa and Julianne laughed, and Lisa shook her head. "I see you've got everyone eating out of your hands. My daughter, my staff..."
"You?" he asked, holding up the cheeseburger for her to bite.
Lisa took a bite then moaned. "My, that's good."
He nodded. "Back to our conversation. You like road trips with good book tapes. Where's the last place you went?"
"CDs. We haven't gone anywhere. Not since...you know."
Bob's eyes met Lisa's, and he smiled an apology. But it was all right. With some people, she and Julianne felt awkward when they spoke of Roger and Jonathan, but with him, it was a sweet memory. Like he enjoyed hearing about them.
He grinned at Julianne. "If you could go anywhere, where would you go?"
"That's some road trip. A little wet, I think. How 'bout the continental US?"
"Disney World."
He looked up at Lisa who shrugged. "Me, too."
"Seriously? You can go anywhere and you both pick Mickey Mouse."
"It's all about the mouse."
"I think someone's been watching way too much Disney Channel."
Lisa laughed. "Probably. It is summer."
Julianne shoved back her chair. "Well, hate to eat and run, but I've got a date with a high dive."
"Let your food settle for ten minutes before you get in the water."
"I always do," she said, rolling her eyes. "Sure you don't want to come?" she asked Bob.
He tilted his head. "I'm considering it, but not today. I don't want to look all pruny when I meet your mom. Are you coming with us for our relaxing float around the resort?"
"No thanks, but I will meet you for dinner. Remember what you said...manicotti, movie and ice cream."
"I remember. Seven o'clock. Save us seats in case we're late."
"You better not be late. The movie starts at eight."
"What are we seeing...or should I ask? A chick flick?"
Julianne shoved her chair in. "Nah, I'm not into all that kissing. We're gonna see Ice Age 4."
"I thought you didn't believe in evolution?"
"Come on. It's totally make-believe. Talking animals?"
"Fine. Dinner at seven then Ice Age."
Julianne pranced away, and Lisa watched Bob for a moment as he shifted the salad around on his plate. She smiled. What a valiant effort he was making to eat it. Thank goodness John brought him that hamburger. The man would starve.
"I take it you don't like salad."
"I do, just not so much of it."
He slid the plate out of his way. "How much time have you got left?"
Lisa glanced at her watch. "Fifteen minutes."
"Time enough to show you my suite."
"I've already seen your suite."
"I could preview yours."
His dark eyes pulled her in. His fingers stroked the back of her hand.
She wanted what he wanted, and she was ready to admit it. She threw her napkin on the table and stood then pushed in her chair and walked away.
"Was that a yes?" he called after her.
Over her shoulder, she offered him a coy glance. He leaped away from the table to join her.
When they got inside the elevator, he stood on the opposite side, leaning against the wall, staring at her. Why was it that he lost the ability to make conversation when Julianne wasn't around? Perhaps he had something else on his mind. The hot looks he sent her way certainly gave her specific thoughts.
They reached her floor, and the elevator opened. He followed her to her room, and the door barely closed before he took her in his arms.
It was heaven. H
e nuzzled her neck all the way to her ear. "I've wanted to do that all day. You should wear your hair up all the time."
She laughed softly. "Really? Then you should walk around with no shirt."
He raised his head to stare at her with a questioning glance.
"I saw you change shirts at the tennis courts."
He grinned. "Are you saying you find me attractive?"
She leaned in to kiss him. They moved as rhythmically as if they'd been kissing for years instead of a day. He instinctively knew what she wanted. He teased. He pressed in. He drove her crazy with nothing more than a kiss.
When he raised his head, his eyes were ablaze. "That's enough or I won't be able to stop."
She stared at him. He was stopping?
"Lisa, did you hear me? I won't be able to stop. Is that what you want?"
She pulled back. No. Not at all. She wanted to stop, but the kissing...She leaned in and licked the tip of his nose then whirled away.
He followed and caught her in the kitchen, imprisoning her with his arms. "Do that again and see what happens."
She leaned her head back to smile up at him.
"Chicken?" he asked.
She nodded.
He held her against his chest, stroking her back. She could hear the chaotic beat of his heart. She had done that to him. It made her feel powerful, sexy. She hadn't thought that way in a long time. Hadn't even missed it, not really. Everything had died inside. Or, so she'd thought until she met him.
"You're so precious," he whispered against her ear then released her. "Time's up, I guess."
She nodded, not able to speak. Precious? He thought her precious. If anything, he made her feel that way. He might have revealed his passion, but he was gentle, too.
"About the tennis..."
"Don't start that again. If she's happy, you're happy. Besides, she's a fun kid. I like her."
"She likes you, too."
"Good. Makes things easier." He smiled. "I'll see you at five- fifteen."
"What are you going to do all day?"
He opened her door then turned back. "I think I'll go shoot something."
"You've already done that today."
"Keeping tabs on me?" He grinned.
"Yep. I want to make sure my daughter's safe."
The laughter left his eyes. "I want you, Lisa. Julianne is important, but she's a child. I respect that."
"Good. I'll be watching."