All Things New Page 24
That was all the encouragement Jacob needed. He swept Chloe into a very public embrace. "I love you, Chloe."
When he let her breathe, she smiled through her tears. "I love you, Jacob Cohen."
Chloe then turned and held her arms open for Jacob's son.
The three of them held each other tightly for some moments while the crowd cheered. "I've been praying for you, Jacob."
"I've been praying for you, Mama."
Chloe dropped to her knees and sobbed with Jacob Jr. clutched in her arms.
At the microphone, Monsieur Bernaisse cleared his throat. "We are so happy to see this young family reunited. Now, if the Cohens would be so kind as to follow me to the vault…"
With both of her men clasped by the hand, Chloe marched over the bridge. When she got to the other side, she let go to bend down and yank the covering off the monument. Twelve perfect stones, placed together in a permanent memorial. Jacob stared in wordless wonder at each plaque.
God was so good! He had wanted to do that very thing after reading the story of Rahab and the battle of Jericho, a battle God had won. He hugged Chloe again before they climbed the high tower to the secret room.
She held out her hand to touch the stone then drew back. "Jacob, would you do this for me?"
His eyes grew large. "I'd love it!"
The young man reached out and pushed hard.
Chloe held her breath. Jacob prayed. He had no doubts the treasures were safe. It was a miracle the wall hadn't fallen, so it had to be the hand of God. But he wasn't sure how the door would react to years of non-use. After a slight rumbling sound and a few falling stones, the door swung wide.
"Papa, look!"
Not one thing had moved in all the years since Jacob had hidden inside, including the draped figure of the Nazi colonel, which Chloe avoided as she led Jacob Jr. forward.
He ran straight to a diamond tiara in a glass case. "Papa, have you ever seen such a sight?"
"I hid from the Nazis in this room."
"You did? Super!"
Chloe leaned down and whispered in his ear.
"No kidding?" he asked.
She nodded at him, and he let out a whoop.
Jacob gave Chloe a questioning look.
"I just gave it to him."
"I don't understand, Chloe."
"My dowry…from Madame." She let it sink in for a few seconds then moved into his arms.
Monsieur Bernaisse came inside, happily cataloguing the find. "Yes. It's true. Many pieces in here were left to Chloe from the Viscomte and the Viscomtess."
They all wandered back to the waiting crowd, and Monsieur Bernaisse made the announcement. "It's all in perfect condition."
They held quite a party after that. Jacob wanted Chloe to meet his parents and his grandfather. They called her parents over, and the two families blended into one.
When Jacob pulled Chloe away to a quiet corner, she was blissfully happy. His passionate kiss told her once more that he was hers.
"Why did you send me away?" he asked her finally. The pain in his eyes showed he'd suffered from the separation.
"Jacob, can you ever forgive me? I believed that Marie- Madeleine meant more to you than you said…that you were just settling for me because you couldn't have her."
He crushed her against his chest. "She was a patriot, Chloe, nothing else. Couldn't you see I was in love with you?"
"I didn't have the confidence to believe it."
He wiped away her tears. "Chloe, there's never been anyone like you in my life. I was very young when I met Geli, and we knew each other for such a short while. We didn't have the time you and I have had, and we didn't have the Lord to show us deeper ways to love each other. Promise me we'll never be apart again."
She leaned her head back, gazing into the brown eyes she loved so dearly. "I would follow you to the ends of the earth. No more separate lives for us. We fight together, or we don't fight. Agreed?"
Jacob held up his hand to share the pledge with her. "Together, Chloe. All the days of my life as long as we both shall live." He kissed her again.
Chloe and Jacob stared out at the blue-green Mediterranean Sea. In the distance, they sighted the faint outline of a ship that was bringing Jewish refugees and Chloe's parents to Palestine.
They had used Chloe's inheritance to convince the British government that there would be a way for refugees to exist in the far-away land, though it hadn't been easy. The political atmosphere was against a homeland for the Jews, even after all they'd been through, and the open door to Palestine had closed as soon as it opened.
Jacob and Chloe had brought his entire family with them to the Promised Land, and they built a new life for themselves, paving the way for hundreds of displaced Jews to find a place where they finally belonged.
Chloe looked down at the sleeping infant in her arms. They had been in Palestine less than a year when Chloe had gotten pregnant.
Jacob and Jacob Jr. had been delighted. Chloe had been in shock. She even argued with the doctor. "But that's just not possible."
Jacob had taken her hand and kissed it. "With God, all things are possible. I asked the Lord to give you a baby."
Now they were waiting for Chloe's parents to come for a visit. They wanted to see their new grandson and the life Jacob and Chloe had built for themselves.
The baby cooed, and Jacob Jr. laughed. "He looks like Grandpa Fabius when he wrinkles up his face like that."
"He looks like you when he laughs," said Chloe.
A pleased smile crossed the face of her elder son. He was now sixteen and taller than Chloe. Thankfully, he'd accepted her presence in his life.
"God is good," Jacob said with a sigh of contentment.
"God is good," echoed Chloe. "He makes all things new."
~The End~
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Thank You!
~Felicia Mires
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Look for other titles by Felicia Mires:
Fantasy: The Lands of Elohan series
Fairies and Fantasy
Elves and Dragons
Once Upon a Fairy Tale
A Dream Come True
Adventure: Natasha's spy series
Diamonds Are For Eden
The Syrian
The Blood Plague
To Save a Jew Pt. 1
To Save a Jew Pt. 2
The Traitor Within
A Garden for Sarah
Bachelorettes On Parade
Madeleine and the Mind
Seven Blind Dates
Would You, Could You
Wind series
Wind on the Sand
Whirlwind of Betrayal
Winds of Change
Gypsy Duke (regency)
All Things New (WWII)
Recommended reading:
Francine Rivers, especially Redeeming Love
Dee Henderson, the O' Malley series & the Uncommon Heroes series
Ronie Kendig, especially Dead Reckoning
About the Author
Felicia Mires is the author of over twenty Christian novels: historical, fantasy, and contemporary (all with a bit of romance). She loves all things literary, and when not writing, spends time editing for other authors and judging writing contests…so she can read more books. Felicia and her husband Gene reside in Orange, Texas. They have three children, as well as nume
rous children in the Lord at Life Church, Port Arthur, where they pastor young adults. Felicia is thankful for her family and the gift of writing for the heavenly Father. Relationship is what matters.