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Page 11

  "Wait, I want you to understand. I want to help you, to protect you. But I have to do this right now." He felt so frustrated at the wall she'd put between them. "Is there any way we can talk later?"

  "I'll try." She sidestepped him again, ostensibly to show him something. "This is the way out…just in case."

  She pointed at the stone block that would open the wall then she stepped back into the closet. Jacob followed her out, and Chloe closed the wall. He didn't touch her as she passed him for the hallway, but he wanted to. For the moment, he would have to concentrate on his mission. He was used to that.

  "I have to get this lunch kit out of the castle without being searched. Let's go back out the front door."

  When Jacob passed the same guard at the entrance to the castle, the man stepped forward, his rifle slung across his chest. "Where are you taking the rats?"

  "Far into the woods. They won't find their way back. I promise."

  "Gut. Hurry up, but the Fraulein stays here."

  "I'll wait inside, Jacques."

  Jacob hurried into the woods out of sight of the castle. He found the marker he'd left for his stash, counted the right number of trees then located the slender thread that marked the place. It would be almost impossible for anyone else to detect the micro-thread tied tightly to a branch.

  He made a hole in the ground and buried the documents he'd stolen, along with his camera. He wouldn't need that again, and he couldn't risk being searched. After making sure he'd left no indication of his outdoor activities, he returned to the castle.

  Chapter 9

  When Jacob came through the door, he found Chloe waiting just inside with an eager look. She stepped toward him. It gave him a pang to see that much hope in her face. For his own good, he would treat Chloe as any other operative. Until he asked her to go with him.

  He kept his face blank as they moved out of the soldier's hearing. "I need you to help me find certain walls on the top and bottom floors. I'm lost in here."

  "All right."

  He explained what he wanted, and they spent the afternoon "chasing rats" around the castle, while Jacob set plastic explosives and delay-timers in place.

  "How are you supposed to blow this up if you won't be here?" asked Chloe from her watching post at the edge of the hallway.

  "I have detonators. Don't worry. This will go off exactly when I want."

  He snipped off the end of the last wire and stepped back.

  "Are we finished?" Chloe asked.

  Jacob cast a glance in her direction. She looked worn out. "Are you tired?"

  "Dodging soldiers and pretending to do something you aren't is exhausting. I don't know how you do it every day. I want a bath. Just looking at rats makes me feel dirty. Surely, you've set enough plastic explosive to blow the entire chateau to rubble."

  He surveyed the lovely, trusting face turned toward him. The castle was ready to blow except for Chloe's hidden room. He'd done his best to keep that part of the chateau intact, but he hadn't revealed that yet.

  "I think we're done, but I want to talk to you in private. Can we make it to your room again?"

  "I don't know. My room, Madame's room, is nowhere near the quarters for the soldiers because they sleep in the servant's quarters. There are hardly ever any soldiers near my room…unless they're with the Colonel. His room is nearby." She chewed the end of a finger as she considered. "Wait here while I see if the Colonel is back."

  Jacob ducked under the stairwell.

  Chloe ran down the hall until she reached an open window. She hung her head out, listening to the soldiers. They all looked at ease. The Colonel couldn't be back yet. She ran downstairs to the garage to see if the surveillance van had returned. It was still gone so she hurried back to Jacob.

  When she neared the stairwell, she whispered. "Jacques, where are you?"

  Jacob stepped out. "Well?"

  "The van's still gone, and the soldiers look too comfortable. I think he's gone."

  "Let's go."

  Chloe took Jacob down the hallways that were rarely used, and this time, they didn't pass a single soldier. It wasn't unusual, because it was near the time the workers left, and the soldiers knew they had to eat before their providers left them.

  Once they reached Chloe's room, Jacob closed the door and motioned her toward the window. "Come sit. I have something to say. Now…don't say no until you hear me out."

  Chloe inched as far away from him as the seat would allow. She folded her hands in her lap and looked up at him.

  "If I save your treasures, will you do something for me?" He wasn't sure he should tell her everything at once. Just that much got a flicker of unease in her expressive eyes.

  "If I can. How will you save them?"

  "I didn't set any explosives across that section of the walls, either below or above. I think there's a major support beam in that wall. If I'm right, the room will be protected. Better than that, no one will be able to tell there is a room. Your treasure could be safe until after the war."

  "You're smart enough to know all that?"

  Jacob felt heat travel up his throat. He was no different from Chloe and her family, a farmer caught up in the terrors of war.

  "Not really. It's something I had to learn at the spy school in London. I won't always have an expert with me to blow things up, so I have to know the basics."

  "I'm impressed, Monsieur Spy. If you can protect my parents, the treasure, and me, I'll do what you want."

  He didn't know if he could get Chloe's parents and Chloe out of the area. "Actually, that's what I wanted to discuss with you. Your parents want me to take you with me."

  "I can't leave without them."

  Jacob felt anxiety rise, but he pushed it down. He'd prayed…everything would work out. "You promised to listen. I don't know if I can get you all out, but you, I can."

  He left it open. She would wonder how, and he would have to tell her. How much did he confess? He was ready to spend the rest of his life with Chloe, whether it was one day or forever. The Lord had given him assurance.

  "How do you know you can get me out alone?"

  Jacob wanted very much to take her hand, but he thought she would react better if it seemed purely a business deal.

  "Marry me. Your father's the prefect. He could give us a marriage license, and I have travel papers." Her eyes widened, but he kept going. "You'd be stuck traveling with the Resistance, but eventually I could get you to England. You'd be free."

  "And what would I do in England? How would I take care of myself? Perhaps I could do what I do here." She stood up and leaned over him, taunting. "I could earn money for my husband."

  "You're not a prostitute. You're a prisoner. No one would ever know what you've been through. Most of us have our own horror stories. No one will even ask."

  She took a step back. "All right, so no one else will know, but you do. How can you live with that? You want a wife that's been used by the Nazis?"

  "Chloe, I wish you could trust me." Jacob faltered. If he told her now that their marriage was just a business arrangement, he'd have a hard time convincing her otherwise later. "I care about you. I don't know why. I can't say I'll never ask you to be a real wife, because that's what I want. You think about it."

  He searched her face. He wanted any sign that she wasn't repulsed by his offer. She'd listened intently, apparently astonished that anyone would want to care about her. He saw her vacillate between hope that it was true, and certainty that she wasn't worth it. He waited. Lord, help her.

  The Colonel and the priest had done a thorough job. Chloe saw herself as merchandise, and she focused on Jacob's ill-chosen words…I want.

  "So, you want me. You don't have to marry me for that. I'm quite willing to pay for the passage of my family."

  Jacob dropped his head in his hands and rubbed his face. His expression, when he looked at her was one of tired resignation. "You don't get it, do you? I want to love you, not use you."

  Chloe opened her mo
uth, but a sharp rap at the door interrupted them. "Fraulein, I must speak with you."

  "They can't find you here." Chloe felt her stomach rise in her throat as terror struck. "They'll kill us both. They'll kill everyone."

  Jacob leaped away from her to the closet as Chloe moved to open the door.

  "What is it?" she asked, staring disdainfully at the soldier.

  "There is one villager still remaining in the castle. He is unaccounted for."

  "What do you expect me to do about it? They know to check out when they leave for the day."

  "It's the rat catcher. You were the last one seen with him. I'll have to search your room." He pushed his way through the door.

  "Don't make a mess. There aren't many places a person could hide."

  Chloe ignored the desire to look toward the closet. If only Jacque was hidden in the secret room.

  The soldier didn't answer her as he strode to the window seat. He raised the lid and tossed out all the pillows and quilts.

  "Non, I told you not to make a mess."

  "Fraulein, your wishes are of no importance when it comes to searching for prisoners."

  He moved to the bed.

  "I thought we weren't considered prisoners in our own country."

  There was no response to that, so Chloe climbed on the bed to get out of the way. He crawled underneath then went through the extensive closet. When clothes flew through the air, Chloe protested.

  "That is completely uncalled for. No one could hide behind the clothes, and I shall have to pick all that up and hang it again."

  He stomped out of the closet and marched into the bathroom. When he had finished his search, he came out to confront her again.

  "You will report his presence immediately…if you find him."

  "Of course."

  The door closed, and Chloe turned the lock before rushing to the closet. She pushed the stone, and the wall moved away.

  "We're lucky that wall is so quiet. He's gone. Can you hear anything when you're in here?"

  Jacob followed her through the closet, noting the pile of clothes on the floor. "Nothing. That room is tight as a drum."

  "We've got to think of a way to get you out of the castle."

  Her brow furrowed as she chewed her lip. She made a charming picture to Jacob, but he turned away to hang the clothes. She was the only one who could get him out of this mess. She needed to think.

  "When are you supposed to blow the castle?" She bent to pick up a blouse.

  "Tonight. At night, we eliminate more guards inside the castle, and the night shift at the Chalon-sur-Saone power plant has fewer guards to chase after the other saboteurs. It's also easier to escape into darkness."

  "You may have to stay here until then. I'll get us something to eat. Get back in the hidden room. I'm going to leave my door open as if I have nothing to hide."

  Chloe would have gone for the door, but he stopped her. "Chloe…" She paused and looked back at him. "Thank you for saving my life. If you hadn't shown me the room…"

  "You're welcome. You're the only chance we have. If you die, we all die."

  As Chloe sauntered through the castle, she saw the soldier still looking for Jacques. "Did you find him?"

  "Nein. We may have to search the village if he doesn't turn up."

  "You do that. It should really make for good relations with the town that feeds and shelters you. Is the Colonel back yet?"

  "Ja, in his office."

  Chloe hurriedly prepared food, stuffing her mouth as she filled a plate. She could only carry one to her room without arousing curiosity. She poured a precious glass of milk. It had probably been a long time since Jacques had any.

  When she reached her room, she shut the door and locked it then took the plate to the closet.

  Jacob held out his hand. "You have milk? Of course, you would. The Colonel can probably get whatever he wants. Thank you for sharing."

  "You were going to blow it up so you might as well drink it."

  Jacob finished the food, and Chloe took the dishes out and set them by her door. When she came back, Jacob wanted to talk. He patted the floor where he sat. "Chloe, about us…"

  She slid down beside him. The stone felt cold and hard on her legs.

  "There is no us. There never can be. I helped you, now you help me and my family."

  He sighed. He would give in for now. Had he really thought he could convince her of his sincerity in one day? "All right, Chloe, but some day..."

  A loud banging at the door brought them up short.

  The Colonel yelled from the other side. "Chloe, why is your door locked?"

  Jacob pushed her to her feet. "Say you were going to take a bath."

  Chloe ran out of the secret room. "I'm coming, Colonel."

  She glanced back at the closet door, but it was already shut. She yanked off her shoes and stockings as she headed to the door. Just before she opened it, she slipped her skirt off and threw it on the bed. Now she stood in her slip and blouse.

  She opened the door. "I was going to take a bath. Kill lots of Frenchmen today?"

  "Actually…" He gave her a wicked smile. "I think we've just about identified an entire group of traitors. I know you're pleased." He sighed comfortably. "My office looks quite spotless. Have you removed all the rats?"

  "I've been up and down the castle all day. That's why I'm taking a bath. They're very fast. So…if you'll excuse me." Chloe tried to shut the door, but a black boot shoved its way through. It had been almost a week since the Colonel had visited her in her rooms. She'd hoped he was tired of her.

  "I think I'll stay…and watch."

  Chloe turned away, nearly tripping on the dishes. The Colonel noted them.

  "I came to your room earlier, and you weren't here. I guess you had gone for your dinner. Why did you not eat in the kitchen?"

  "After chasing rats, I felt too dirty." Chloe opened the bathroom door and tried to usher the Colonel through. "Why don't you start the water for me? I want to get my robe from the closet. It will be chilly when I get out."

  "I might get your water too hot. I'll get your robe."

  He seemed in an unusually calm state of mind. Would he stay that way? Cold fear hit Chloe's stomach again. Had Jacques closed the door to the hidden room? Her heart pumped painfully. How much could she take before her body overloaded?

  "Never mind, I'll get it when I get out."

  "Nonsense, turn on the water." His hand turned the doorknob to the closet, but Chloe couldn't take her eyes off the closet door.

  "Here it is."

  He brought a flimsy black negligée, one Chloe never wore, and hung it in the bathroom.

  She bent over the tub, adjusting the water. What was Jacques thinking? How would he feel about her after he'd had to wait through one of her sessions with the Colonel? That ought to show him what a bad idea he had. You don't marry a prostitute. Thankfully, he wouldn't hear anything in the inner room. The Colonel watched her undress and sponge off. She'd gotten used to it…almost. He rattled on about the great Reich and how superior he was until Chloe was ready to slap him. He really thought the Nazis would win and usurp every other European country.

  "Eventually the Furor will do away with the nonsense of neutral countries. All will be made to serve the Reich."

  Chloe let him talk while she dried off. When she walked into her room, she bent to pick up her shoes. As if by reflex, she opened the closet door a crack and threw the shoes against the back wall. She hoped Jacques knew that meant the Colonel was still in her room.

  A rap at her door startled her.

  The Colonel answered. "Come in!"

  How he loved to humiliate her in front of his men. He knew Chloe's transparent covering would hide nothing from probing eyes. It gave him status, to show her off like a trophy. She hated it. She hated him.

  The same soldier who had searched her room earlier stomped in and stood at attention. "Heil, Hitler!"

  "What is it?" asked the Colonel with a frown. He
had displayed his trophy, apparently, he wanted his privacy.

  "There is a worker in the chateau that did not check out."

  "Well, find him!" bellowed the Colonel. "Who is it?"

  "The rat catcher. He tried to leave once, but his rats escaped, and he had to start over again."

  The Colonel looked over at Chloe. She chose to interpret the question in his eyes in her own way. "It's true. He told them not to open the box, but they insisted on searching it and let every rat jump out and back inside the castle."

  "When did you see him last?" His voice rose as his aggravation grew.

  "Right before I came to my room." They continued to look at her skeptically. "Well, he's not here, you already searched."

  The Colonel turned to the soldier for verification.

  "Ja. He is not here, Colonel."

  "I believe I said that. He might have forgotten to check out. It was his first time to work in the castle. Will you get out now?"

  The Colonel waved away the soldier. "Search the chateau. It is possible that he went out another way if he was getting rid of rats. I wish to be left alone now."

  Ugh, the dreaded moment. No one else would come looking for Jacques.

  The door shut, and the Colonel locked it. "Now, we will not be disturbed."

  Chloe picked up her discarded dirty clothes and moved into the closet. "I'll be right with you."

  She very much wanted to communicate with Jacques, but she didn't want him to think about what she was doing.

  "I'm ready. Don't keep me waiting!"

  After several minutes, Jacob wondered what was happening to Chloe. It was taking much too long for her to come for him. Was the Colonel staying with her? The idea made him absolutely sick. He couldn't allow Chloe to distract the Colonel for his sake. What would she think of him? She would never believe he cared for her if he used her to protect himself. He couldn't wait any longer. He pulled his pistol, fitted with a silencer, out of the lunch kit. With great care, he opened the wall and stood motionless, straining to hear faint sounds in the room. The water in the tub no longer ran. Chloe must be out.